Saturday, November 9, 2013

Educational Technology Influencing Dental Hygiene

The outburst of technology in general and a vast assortment of educational technology has impacted every possible profession one can imagine.  The healthcare field especially dentistry (dental hygiene) is no exception.  “As information and technology move forward at rapid rates, the stress related to treating patients in this environment is immense” reported hygienist Claunch (2009). Do not let that statement fool you.  To this avail, student train immensely and is well prepared before working in real-world dental office.  Today’s dental hygienist does not only focus on the mouth but also on the holistic health of the patient. 

I believe the influence of technology on both the preclinical and lecture hall environment is a positive step.  For example, let’s begin in the lecture hall.  The traditional lecture I was a part of include hard copy textbooks, chalkboard and overhead projectors.  Now, we find classrooms where learners openly uses their I-Pad, Kindle fire and Laptop with apps boasting the required subject area digital textbooks.  Students use their devices to take notes, and immediately access the internet for added information on subject-content for discussion.  Chalkboard are replaced by computers and the computers boast learning management system for example ANGEL (RDH magazine).  Angel is “an online LMS designed to allow flexibility for [educators and learners to work for anywhere and anytime] in ways that make sense for 21st century teaching and learning” posit the Fauquier County Public Schools website ( The software is user friendly and “open to integration with other systems” [such as] “second life a virtual reality base online technology” (

Check out this YouTube video instruction for using ANGEL.

There is no shortage of educational technology affecting dental hygiene students.  I agree with professional colleague hygienist Patel who wrote “technology in the dental hygiene clinic abounds, from digital X-rays to the intraoral camera, to the phase microscope” (RDH Magazine).  Although not yet widespread, 3D VRBT second life is not only used in the preclinical phase simulating real life events but also can integrate with the angel system.  This is exciting news in the world of dental hygiene education for distance learning: given the reported shortage of trained professional to service the underserved communities with limited access to dental treatment. 


Claunch, R. (2009). Dental Hygiene, a Career of Challenges. Retrieve from:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Antoinette:

    I enjoyed reading your insightful and informative blog. I am in accordance with your point of view regarding the influence of technology in Dental Hygiene education. I know personally I have on several occasions incorporated YouTube lectures and short videos into my pedagogy approach. However, as you mentioned, more students have the flexibility to listen and watch lectures when and where they want with the availability of the multimedia devices. Great blog.

